Elemental Encounters – Meet-up Events in Spring 2025: St. Johns Rivership Lunch Cruise (March 15)

The Orlando Section announces a series of casual gatherings for members to connect at locations with a little scientific flair.  We plan to meet at a different venue each month now through the summer. Most will be free, drop-in, and family friendly.

St. Johns Rivership Lunch Cruise
Saturday March 15, 2025. (11:00 am – 2:00pm)
Cost: $71 for adults ($35.50 for children 4-13)
Location: 433 N. Palmetto Ave. Sanford, Florida 32771
More information: https://www.stjohnsrivershipco.com/cruises-fares/lunch-cruise/?date=02/16/2025&timeId=14274331&departure=0&destination=0

Book your tour online or call: RivershipTix.com or 321-204-0274. Send your RSVP number to lsessions@valenciacollege.edu to be seated at the tables with your chemistry friends.

Embark on an unforgettable luncheon with your fellow Orlando Section members aboard the rivership, the Barbara Lee, departing from Historic Sanford, FL. Choose from seven different entrees, showcasing culinary excellence with options to suit every taste. Tickets include food, entertainment, and cruise. Coffee, tea, and water are provided. Soda and alcoholic beverages as well as gratuities are not included.

As you savor your meal, live entertainment will serenade you with music, creating a festive atmosphere as you cruise along the scenic waters of the St. Johns River. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy watching the local wildlife, which includes birds, manatees and alligators at various times throughout the year. During the lunch tours, our cruise guide will point out wildlife, areas of interest and share the history of steamships that sailed the St. Johns River.

Elemental Encounters – Meet-up Events in Spring 2025

The Orlando Section announces a series of casual gatherings for members to connect at locations with a little scientific flair.  We plan to meet at a different venue each month now through the summer. Most will be free, drop-in, and family friendly.

Pictures from the last ACS event at the Orlando Wetlands in 2018. From Jen Archer and Emily Heider.

Orlando Wetlands
Saturday February 15, 2025. (9:45 am – 12:30pm)
Cost: Free Admission 
Location: 25155 Wheeler Road, Christmas, FL 32709
More information: https://www.orlando.gov/Our-Government/Departments-Offices/Public-Works/Water-Reclamation-Division/Orlando-Wetlands

Drop by and chat with some of your fellow Orlando Section members, take a self-guided walking tour, or drop in for the 10am or 11am tram tour. Stay as long as you wish. Look for us in the pavilion to the right of the welcome trailer

The Orlando Wetlands offers public tram tours to highlight the creation, operation, management, and wildlife of the facility. The volunteer program runs tram cart tours for groups of less than 10 people on Saturdays, lasting 45 – 60 minutes. Since reservations are not taken, we recommend getting there 15 minutes before the hour to reserve a seat. Bring your picnic lunch too. In Christmas, FL.

Tentative next event will be March 16 on St. Johns Rivership Co. for a Lunch Cruise.  More information and a full spring schedule coming soon!

October 2024’s Newsletter: A few important and exciting news items

In this Newsletter, we would like to bring your attention to a few important and exciting news.

  • On Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM) at the Orlando Science Center, the ACS Orlando Section of the American Chemical Society organizes a community event for National Chemistry Week to celebrate the importance of chemistry in everyday life! Learn about this year’s theme, Picture Perfect Chemistry, with exciting hands-on activities. Stop by to see the fun!
  • To celebrate National Chemistry Week, the Orlando Section is also organizing the 2024 NCW Illustrated Poem Contest: Picture Perfect Chemistry for K-12 students. We ask you to spread the word to K-12 teachers and students to encourage their participation. The deadline for submission is Sunday, October 27th, 2024 at 11:59 PM.
  • The Orlando Section is looking for nominations for 2025 Executive Board. All nominations must be submitted by November 1st, 2024. More information can be found on our website.
  • The Orlando Section is also calling for Annual Awards Nominations. To be considered, nominations must be received by 5pm Wednesday November 13, 2024. Questions can be directed to Dr. Nasri Nesnas, Chair of the Orlando Section Awards Committee at nesnas@fit.edu. More information about the annual awards and nomination process can be found on our website.
  • The American Chemical Society is offering a 30% discount on the cost of ACS membership. Members may simply enter the discount code when joining or renewing their membership and enjoy the benefits.  Share this discount code to encourage your colleagues to renew or join! Visit https://www.acs.org/membership.html and use this code Local Sections: LSGROW24 for renewing or joining ACS.

Subscribe to our community page, follow our facebook page, and check out our website for updated news, and activities of our local section.

Call for volunteers and Student Travel Awards Announcement

Hello Orlando Section!
We would like to bring to your attention to the following two announcements:

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW): To promote the positive role that chemistry plays in the world, ACS established the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week public awareness campaign. This year, CCEW occurs on April 21–27 with the theme “Get a Charge out of Chemistry”. The Section will participate in Central Florida Earth day  at Lake Eola (on April 20th, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM). At this event, we will distribute educational merchandise and hosting activities. Dr. Stephen Smith (FIT, stephensmith@fit.edu) will lead this event. Please contact him if you are interested in volunteering for this event.

Student Travel awards for FAME participation: The Orlando Local Section of the American Chemical Society offers travel awards to students who are in need of financial supplement for their participation in local, regional, and national conferences organized by of the American Chemical Society and its affiliates. At least two students will receive awards of up to $150 for their participation in FAME (Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition). More details about the application procedure can be found on our website.

Please don’t forget to subscribe to our community page, follow our facebook pageand check out our website for updated news, and activities of our local section.

Volunteer opportunities

Hello Orlando Section!

In this bulletin, we would like to bring to your attention a couple important opportunities for members and highlight some accomplishments:

  • Call for Volunteers for the Awards Committee: The Orlando Section is currently in search of individuals willing to contribute to the Awards Committee. Annually, our section grants awards totaling more than $3,000 to honor the outstanding contributions of chemists and chemistry students within our local community.
  • Orlando Section wins ChemLuminary Award: The Orlando Section received the ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Community Involvement in National Chemistry Week at the ACS Fall 2023 Meeting in San Francisco. National Chemistry Week celebrates the importance of chemistry in everyday life. On October 22, 2022, about 400 attendees were able to participate in experiments related to the theme: Fabulous Fibers, The Chemistry of Fabrics. 
  • Call for Volunteers for National Chemistry Week event at OSC: Look for us at the Orlando Science Center again for National Chemistry Week celebrations on Saturday, October 21, 2023. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Denisia.Popolan-Vaida@ucf.edu.

You can read more about these fantastic events and see pictures on our website and social media linked below.

Best wishes,

Dr. Nicole Lapeyrouse
Chair of the Orlando Section of the ACS
On behalf of the Orlando Section executive committee

Please don’t forget to subscribe to our community page, follow our facebook pageand check out our website for updated news, and activities of our local section.

2023 Summer Social Invitation

The Orlando Section of the American Chemical Society is pleased to honor our 50-, 60-, and 70-year ACS members and present the Salutes to Excellence award to our partner, the Orlando Science Center. Additionally, Patrick Walsh and Chris Spence from Covanta will give a short talk on a Sustainable Systems Solution for Solid Waste.

Saturday July 8th, 2023
11:30AM to 2:00PM
Macaroni Grill (12148 S Apopka Vineland Rd, Orlando, FL 32836)

Bruschetta Calamari, Caesar Salad
Entrée choice of
Fettuccine Alfredo w/Chicken, Spaghetti w/Meatballs, Chicken Parmesan, Pasta Milano, or Truffle Mac & Cheese
Vanilla Ice Cream
Soda, Iced Tea, Lemonade
Cash bar is available

The cost will be $25/person. Since the Orlando Section covers part of the meal, tax, and gratuity, the Section will pay the bill with a single check. Please be prepared to pay at the door by check or cash—unfortunately, we cannot accept credit cards. Reservation can be made by July 6, 2023 – online at https://forms.gle/THwRVyRT9gTaBnV7A.

Sustainable Systems Solution for Solid Waste
Patrick Walsh, Area Asset Manager, and Chris Spence, Facility Manager
Waste-to-energy (WTE) is the conversion of non-recyclable waste to electricity. It has been touted as both good and bad for the environment – good for decreasing waste levels and bad for the creation of pollutants in the incineration process. According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, WTE has grown from one plant in 1982 to 11 facilities in 2022, giving Florida one of the highest levels of WTE processing nationwide. Last year, Florida Senate Bill 1764 was passed to encourage more.

Come learn more about WTE from the experts at Covanta and enjoy a luncheon with fellow chemists.
We look forward to seeing you all there!

Download this flyer

First bulletin of the year

Hello Orlando Section!

In the first bulletin of the year, we would like to bring to your attention a few pieces of important information:

  • Executive committee members: The members of the 2023 Executive Committee of the Orlando Section are:

Chair: Nicole Lapeyrouse
Chair elect: Stephen Smith
Intermediate Past Chair: Denisia Popolan-Vaida
Councilor: Darlene Slattery
Alternate Councilor: Laura Sessions
Treasurer: Van Quach
Secretary: Pavithra Pathirathna

  • Executive meeting – Our local section executive meeting is scheduled on the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM via Zoom. We would like to renew our invitation to all our members to attend the meeting. If you are interested in joining our meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us for zoom link and meeting agenda.
  • Travel awards – We would liketo remind you thatour local sectionoffers annual travel awards (up to 2 awards/meeting) for ACS student members to attend ACS local, regional, and national meetings (FAME, SERMAC, ACS National Meeting) to present their work. More details about the application procedure can be found on our website.
  • Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW): To promote the positive role that chemistry plays in the world, ACS established the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week public awareness campaign. This year, CCEW occurs on April 16–22 with the theme “The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae”. The Orlando Section participates in the following activities:
    • Distributing CCEW 2023 Celebrating Chemistry:  Celebrating Chemistry is designed to engage and educate children ages 9–12 (Grades 4–6) in the basic principles of chemistry. The publication is available in English and Spanish and can be found on our website. We encourage you to share the publication to anyone who may be interested.
    • 2023 Illustrated Poem Contest: The Orlando Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is hosting an illustrated poem contest for K-12 students. Entries must be sponsored by a local school or community group for verification purposes. The contest deadline is Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM Eastern. The theme of this year’s contest is “The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae.” One winner for each category will be recognized. Winners of the Orlando Section’s Illustrated Poem Contest will advance to the National Illustrated Poem Contest for a chance to be featured on the ACS website and win prizes!We encourage you to share the Flyer with K12’s students and teachers that you may know and to spread the message via social media. Please visit our website for detailed contest rules and submission information.
    • Participating in Central Florida Earth day: We have secured our presence in Central Florida Earth day at Lake Eola (on April 22nd, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM). At this event, we will distribute merchandises, materials about the Earth Day and perform chemistry demonstrations. Dr. Titel Jurca (UCF, titel.jurca@ucf.edu) will lead this event. Please contact him if you are interested in volunteering for this event.
  • Younger Chemist Committee – The Younger Chemist Committee (YCC) of the American Chemical (ACS) Society Orlando Section is established with a mission to advocate for, develop, and support rising chemists to positively impact their careers, the ACS, and the future of chemistry. If you are interested in joining YCC ACS Orlando or learning more about our events fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/bHLRDYKunCDqsFCb7. We are also looking to integrate future board members into the organization. Currently the board member positions that we are looking to refresh in the near future are Chair and Co-Chair. The responsibilities of the chair include guiding the vision of the club, ensuring previous ideas are implemented properly, taking finial decisions and leading the board. The responsibilities of co-chair include bringing in new ideas for events, supporting the chair, helping in decision making process.

  • We are seeking volunteers: We are actively seeking volunteers to participate/lead our local section’s activities and be appointed to several committees: Earth Day outreach, National Chemistry Week, Senior Chemists, Younger Chemists, Webmaster… Contact us if you are or know someone who is interested.

Best wishes,

Dr. Nicole Lapeyrouse
Chair of the Orlando Section of the ACS
On behalf of the Orlando Section executive committee

November 2022’s Newsletter

Hello Orlando Section!

We hope you are enjoying the beautiful Central Florida fall weather and are getting ready for the official start of the holiday season. In this bulletin we would like to bring to your attention a few important dates.

  • Annual Election:  It’s election time again! Please follow the link (click here) to meet the candidates for the 2023 Orlando Section Executive Committee. Voting is currently open and will close on November 8, 2022. You have received your ballot via email – Please vote!
  • Nominations for Annual Awards: We would like to remind you that the nominations for Annual Awards for our local section are due on November 9th, 2022. If you know someone (students, colleagues, or companies) who should be recognized publicly for their achievements by our local section, please consider nominating them. More details can be found at our website.  If you make a nomination and do not get an acknowledgement of receipt, please resend.
  • Save the date: You are invited to join us at the  Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022, from 11:30AM to 2:00PM, at the Blu on The Avenue  (326 S Park Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789). More information about reservations will become available soon.

Subscribe to our community page, follow our facebook pageand check out our website for updated news, and activities of our local section.

Best wishes,
Dr. Denisia Popolan-Vaida
Chair of the Orlando Section of the ACS
On behalf of the Orlando Section executive committee

March 2022’s Newsletter

Hello Orlando Section!

In the first bulletin of the year, we would like to bring to your attention a few important information:

  • Executive committee members: The members of the 2022 Executive Committee of the Orlando Section are:
    • Chair: Denisia Popolan-Vaida
    • Chair elect: Nicole Lapeyrouse
    • Intermediate Past Chair: Duy Le
    • Councilor: Darlene Slattery
    • Alternate Councilor: Laura Session
    • Treasurer: Van Quach
    • Secretary: Pavithra Pathirathna
  • It is with mixed feelings that the Executive Committee announces that our 2022 Chair-Elect, Dr. Christopher Chouinard will be leaving Florida Tech for a new position out of state.  While we wish him well, we will miss his enthusiasm and hard work for the section.
  • Executive meeting – Our local section executive meeting is scheduled on the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM via Zoom. We would like to renew our invitation to all our members to attend the meeting. If you are interested in joining our meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us for zoom link and meeting agenda.
  • Travel awards – We would liketo remind you thatour local sectionoffers annual travel awards (up to 2 awards/meeting) for ACS student members to attend ACS local, regional, and national meetings (FAME, SERMAC, ACS National Meeting) to present their work. More details about the application procedure can be find on our website.
  • Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW): To promote the positive role that chemistry plays in the world, ACS established the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week public awareness campaign. This year, CCEW occurs on April 17–23 with the theme “he Buzz About Bugs: Insect Chemistry”. The Orlando Section participates in the following activities:
    • Distributing CCEW 2022 Celebrating Chemistry:  Celebrating Chemistry is designed to engage and educate children ages 9–12 (Grades 4–6) in the basic principles of chemistry. The publication is available in English and Spanish and can be found on our website. We encourage you to share the publication to anyone who may be interested.
    • 2022 Illustrated Poem Contest: The Orlando Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is hosting an illustrated poem contest for K-12 students. Entries must be sponsored by a local school or community group for verification purposes. The contest deadline is Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern. The submissions should be emailed to submission@orlandoacs.org. The theme of this year’s contest is “The Buzz About Bugs: Insect Chemistry.” One winner for each category will be recognized with a monetary ($ 50) award. The teacher of each winner will also be awarded with funding ($100) for classroom supplies. Please visit our website or contact Dr. Duy Le (submission@orlandoacs.org) for more information. Winners of the Orlando Section’s Illustrated Poem Contest will advance to the National Illustrated Poem Contest for a chance to be featured on the ACS website and win prizes! We encourage you to share the Flyer with K12’s students and teachers that you may know and to spread the message via social media.
    • Participating in Central Florida Earth day: We have secured our presence in Central Florida Earth day at Lake Eola (on April 23rd, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM). In this event, we will distribute merchandises, materials about the Earth Day and perform chemistry demonstrations. Dr. Titel Jurca (UCF, titel.jurca@ucf.edu) will lead this event. Please contact him if you are interested in volunteer for this event.
  • We are seeking volunteers: We are actively seeking volunteers to participate/lead our local section’s activities and be appointed to several committees: Earth Day outreach, National Chemistry Week, Senior Chemists, Younger Chemists, Webmaster… Contact us if you are or know someone who is interested.
  • Subscribe to our community page, follow our facebook page, and check out our website for updated news, activities of our local section.

Best wishes,
Dr. Denisia Popolan-Vaida
Chair of the Orlando Section of the ACS
On behalf of the Orlando Section executive committee

Professional Development Grants and Other Support for High School Chemistry Educators

Support for High School Chemistry Educators

ACS is now accepting applications for the ACS-Hach Professional Development Grants! These grants of up to $1,500 are intended to support high school chemistry teachers as they identify and pursue opportunities that can advance their professional development and enhance the teaching and learning of chemistry in the classroom. Click here to learn more, and apply today ! Deadline for applications is January 21, 2022.  

In addition to the Professional Development Grants, several other ACS-Hach Programs provide financial support for future and current high school chemistry teachers, carrying on the mission of the Hach Scientific Foundation Endowment to improve high school chemistry education and support the growth of chemistry teachers at the high school level:  

ACS-Hach Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Scholarship – provides financial support of up to $6,000 for full-time study and up to $3,000 for part-time study for chemistry graduates with limited work experience to obtain a master’s degree in education or teacher certification in chemistry. Deadline for applications is April 1, 2022.  

ACS-Hach Second Career Teacher Scholarship – provides financial support of up to $6,000 for full-time study and up to $3,000 for part-time study for chemistry professionals to obtain a master’s degree in education or teacher certification in chemistry. Deadline for applications is April 1, 2022.  

ACS-Hach Land Grant Teacher Scholarship – provides financial support of up to $10,000 for full-time study to obtain a chemistry undergraduate degree and chemistry teaching credentials at one of our 72 partner institutions. Contact participating universities directly for application details.  

ACS-Hach High School Chemistry Classroom Grant – grants of up to $1,500 are available for high school chemistry teachers to use to cover basic classroom or laboratory needs, fund professional development experiences, or support innovative ideas in chemistry education. Application scheduled to open February 1, 2022.  

Visit the ACS-Hach Programs home page for complete details about all these programs.

This post is reproduced from the newsletter: Chemistry Educator Grants & Scholarships | ACS Matters | December 7, 2021