Hello Orlando Section!
Hope that you are having a great start to the summer. In this short Newsletter, beside other information, we want to bring your attention to upcoming the Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) and the 72nd southeastern regional meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS 2021).
- As you may have seen in our facebook page, preliminary information about the Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) is available. The meeting will be held on Saturday August 28, 2021, at the University of Florida (Gainesville). Abstract submission deadline is expected to be July 30th. This year’s emphasis is to provide an opportunity for students/post-docs to present their work. We will provide further details on registration and where to submits abstracts once this information becomes available.
- The 72nd southeastern regional meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS 2021) will be in Birmingham, Alabama on November 10-13, 2021. Abstract submission will open on June 27 and close of August 8, 2021. See conference website for more information.
- Our local section does offer limited travel support to selected students who attend FAME and SERMACS. Please look out for solicitations in July 2021.
- SERMACS2025 Planning Committee meeting will be held on Saturday, June 12th at 10AM. All members who are interested are welcome to join. More information can be found at our website.
- Monthly Executive Meeting is open to members. The next meeting occurs at 10AM on Saturday 06/19/2021 via Zoom. If you are interested in joining, please do not hesitate to contact us for meeting link.
- Some recent news on our website: Orlando Section at Central Florida Earthday, Local Participants in the 2021 U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad, Avogadro award winner at the State Science & Engineering Fair of Florida 2021.
Subscribe to our community page, follow our facebook page, and check out our website for updated news, activities of our local section.