ACS Councilor Highlights for General Members: Fall 2024

The ACS Council Meeting was held on August 21 and the meeting of the ACS Board of Directors was held between August 16 – 18 at the Denver National Meeting.

Highlights of general interest to members follow.

The Committee on Younger Chemists (YCC), in celebration of their 50th anniversary, encourages early career chemists to join ACS. Through September, new members can join ACS for a 50% discount off their first year of annual dues by using discount code YCC24 when joining online.

Upon recommendation of the Committee on Budget and Finance (B&F), the Board voted to approve the advance member registration fee for 2025 spring and fall meetings: $549 for in‐person and $249 for virtual.

Upon recommendation of the ACS Chief Operating Officer, the Board voted to approve that the Arthur C. Cope Fund utilization be revised to include a two‐year postdoctoral fellowship program to be awarded to Ph.D. candidates or postdoctoral researchers within their first two years of pursuing postdoctoral research in organic chemistry, providing support up to $85,000 per year for two years, beginning in 2025.

Council approved the Petition to Amend the Name of the Committee on Technician Affairs (CTA) to the Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals (CTP). This change recognizes the fact that the term “technician” does not adequately reflect the variety of titles used for these positions across the broader chemical enterprise.

Council approved the Academic Professional Guidelines, as amended to reflect the shared responsibility and accountability with the academic institution, faculty, and other mentors in creating a safe environment, and the Chemical Professional’s Code of Conduct. [You will see the revision here soon:]

Council approved the Petition for Global Representation on Council, as amended on the Council floor. This petition allows for the creation of Global Electoral Zones for the election of Councilors by ACS members living outside the territory of existing Local Sections.

Council approved the creation of the following International Chemical Sciences Chapters, subject to the concurrence of the ACS Board of Directors: Bangladesh, East and Northeast India, and West India.

ACS Fall Meeting 2024 was held from August 18 – 22, 2024. As of August 22, there were 11,569 registrations (10,245 in‐person and 1,324 online).

Please feel free to contact your Orlando Section Councilors with any questions.
Dr. Laura Sessions
Dr. Darlene Slattery

Councilor’s Report: 267th National Meeting, Spring 2024

The Spring Meeting of the ACS Council was held in hybrid format on March 22, 2024.  As of March 19, there were 14,368 registrations (13,122 in-person and 1,246 online). The ACS Fall 2024 meeting will be held in Denver, CO from August 18 – 22, 2024.

Actions of the Council

Election Results: Elected Committees of Council

  • The Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E) presented to the Council the following nominees for selection as candidates for President-Elect, 2025: Rigoberto Hernandez, Thomas Holme, Ingrid Montes, and Laura Sremaniak. By electronic ballot, the Council selected Rigoberto Hernandez and Laura Sremaniak as candidates for 2025 President-Elect. These two candidates will join Mukund Chorghade, a petition candidate, and any additional candidates selected via petitions to stand for election in the fall 2024 national election.

Highlights from Committee Reports and Key Actions

  • On the recommendation of the Council Policy Committee (CPC), Council approved the Petition to Remove Inconsistencies and Add Missing Provisions. The petition clarifies language about membership on the elected committees of Council and adds a provision for filling a vacancy in the position of Director-at-Large. This petition is now presented to the ACS Board of Directors for action.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees (ConC), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Budget and Finance (B&F) to better reflect their charge of making recommendations on the Society’s budget for approval by the Board of Directors. The petition also removes an outdated provision to reflect that the funding of the official organ of the Society has been made independent from dues revenue. This petition is now presented to the ACS Board of Directors for action.
  • ConC announced that the opening of the online preference form to all ACS members began on March 1 and will run through July 1, Councilors interested in serving on an ACS Committee in 2025 should go to to complete their preferences.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC), Council approved changing the name of the Division of Biological Chemistry (BIOL) to the Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology (BIOL). This name change takes effect January 1, 2025.

Summary of Governance Issues and Actions

  • On the recommendation of DAC, Council approved an amendment to the distribution formula for Division funding. This will allow a greater amount of funding to be distributed to Divisions.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on International Activities (IAC), Council approved the creation of International Chemical Sciences Chapters in Egypt and Guangdong, China, subject to the concurrence of the ACS Board of Directors.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC), Council approved changing the name of the Auburn Section to the East Alabama/West Georgia Section. This name change takes effect on January 1, 2025.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Membership Affairs (MAC) and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition on Dues and Benefits to change the name of the Schedule of Membership to the Schedule of Dues and Benefits. The petition also defines the role of Community Associates. This petition is now presented to the ACS Board of Directors for action.
  • On the recommendation of MAC and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the 2025 Schedule of Dues and Benefits.
  • The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) reported the certification of bylaws for four Local Sections (Columbus, Permian Basin, University of Arkansas, and Central Pennsylvania), five technical Divisions (Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry), and two International Chemical Sciences Chapters (Singapore and Switzerland) since the fall 2023 meeting.
  • The Committee on Education (SOCED) invited students to participate in a SOCED Discussion Session to be held in conjunction with the ACS Fall 2024 meeting in Denver, and invited Councilors to their upcoming virtual open meeting on April 25.
  • The Committee on Younger Chemists (YCC) plans to expand the concept of Local Section Younger Chemists Committees to include International Chemical Sciences Chapters and reported on  the inaugural Younger Chemists’ Caucus and their plans to continue holding this event.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact one of your councilors, Darlene Slattery at or Laura Sessions at Laura Sessions at

Councilor’s Report: 266th National Meeting, Fall 2023

The Fall Meeting of the ACS Council was held in hybrid format on August 16, 2023. As of August 16, there were 13,363 in-person registrants and 1,656 virtual.

Actions of the Council

Election Results: Elected Committees of Council

  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Martha G. Hollomon, Elizabeth M. Howson, Jeanette M. Van Emon, and Lydia E. M. Hines for a three-year term (2024-2026) on the Council Policy Committee (CPC). James C. Carver was elected for a one-year term from 2024-2025 to fill the unexpired term of Will E. Lynch, who was elected to the ACS Board of Directors.
  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Anna G. Cavinato, Andrea B. Twiss-Brooks, Thomas R. Gilbert, Jeanne R. Berk, and W. Matthew Reichert for a three-year term (2024-2026) on the Committee on Committees (ConC).
  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Linette M. Watkins, Arlene A. Garrison, Zaida C. Morales Martinez, Amber F. Charlebois, and Jetty L. Duffy-Matzner for a three-year term (2024-2026) on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E). Kevin J. Edgar was elected for a one-year term from 2024-2025 to fill Silvia Ronco’s vacancy.

Highlights from Committee Reports and Key Actions

  • Chief Executive Officer Albert Horvath honored the memory of our newly-appointed Editor-in- Chief of C&EN, Mohammed Yahia, who passed away on the way to the San Francisco meeting. Our thoughts go out to his wife Ola and their two young children.
  • Horvath also shared ACS’s efforts to engage more members while recruiting and retaining talented staff as we continue to adapt to the post-pandemic workplace. He shared an update on the ACS Strategic Initiatives and the Society’s continued strong financial performance.
  • On the recommendation of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Council Executive Function. This amendment codifies the current practice in the Standing Rules, removing the oral reporting requirement for non-elected Society Committees. CPC welcomes oral reports from all Society Committees including those without action before Council.
  • CPC voted to discontinue the Councilor Travel Expense Program, effective December 31, 2023, and replace it with the Councilor Attendance Incentive Allotment, effective January 1, 2024. This new approach will provide a single payment of $2,000 per Councilor, per meeting, directly to Local Sections and Divisions that opt in to the program.
  • CPC also voted to move oversight for the Non-Councilor Reimbursement Program to the Committee on Committees with the recommendation that it be renamed the “Volunteer Committee Reimbursement Program.”
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on International Activities (IAC), providing the committee with the same authority permitted to its unit counterparts to assist International Chemical Sciences Chapters with issues arising from officer turnover and other administrative difficulties.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to add International Representation to the Board of Directors, decreasing the total number of Directors-at-Large from six to five and creating an International District Director. Following approval by the Board of Directors, the amendment to the ACS Constitution will require the support of two-thirds (2/3) majority of voting members.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on International Activities, Council approved the creation of the Singapore International Chemical Sciences Chapter.
  • The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) reported the certification of bylaws for six Local Sections in 2023: Cornell, East Tennessee, Idaho, Puerto Rico, Tennessee-Virginia Highlands, and Wooster.

Council Special Discussion

ACS President Judith Giordan introduced and led a special discussion on “ACS Council: Equitable Governance for the Future.” She sought Councilor input on ideas to improve representation, broadly defined, on Council and across ACS governance.

Three specific prompts were posed to Councilors for their input and suggestions:

  1. Ideally, for ACS Council to equitably represent all members we would…
  2. The key areas where we need to ensure greater equity and inclusion in Council are…
  3. I wish ACS Council would/could… …to engender greater equity and inclusion.

Councilors provided their ideas and thoughts, and relevant Society units will receive this input within the next several weeks.

Your Councilor wishes to remind you that the election of the President-Elect for 2024 will be conducted between September 25 and October 20, 2023.  You should have received an email regarding choosing to receive a paper ballot or voting online.  Please remember to vote.  You can read the bios of the candidates with be ballot.

Additionally, in the near future, you will receive information regarding  approving the amendment to the ACS Constitution to add international representation to the Board of Directors.  This move will require the support of 2/3 of voting members.  This is your Society so, please let your feelings be known.

If there are benefits that you would like to see added to your membership or if there are changes that you would like to see instituted, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 265th National Meeting, Spring 2023

The Spring Meeting of the ACS Council was held in hybrid format on March 29, 2023.  As of March 29, there were 12,623 registrations (10,792 in-person and 1,831 virtual).

Actions of the Council

Candidates for President-Elect, 2024

  • The Committee on Nominations and Elections presented to the Council the following nominees for selection as candidates for President-Elect, 2023: Mary K. Engelman, Dorothy J. Phillips, and Florian J. Schattenmann. The fourth nominee withdrew for personal reasons prior to the Council meeting. By electronic ballot, the Council selected Dorothy J. Phillips and Florian J. Schattenmann as candidates for 2024 President-Elect. These two candidates, along with any candidates selected via petitions, will stand for election in the Fall 2023 National Election.

Other Council Actions

Highlights from Committee Reports and Key Actions

  • On the recommendation of the Council Policy Committee (CPC), Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Council Policy Committee to authorize CPC to review the conduct of Councilors.
  • As required by the ACS Governing Documents, CPC has set the divisor for Local Section and Division representation at Council for the period 2024-2027. The formula is based on membership numbers as of December 31, 2022. Notification will be sent by the Secretary to all affected units by May 1, with details on how they will be impacted.
  • CPC reviewed the Councilor Expense Program and voted to approve a streamlined process for fall 2023. The committee also voted to review further streamlining options for the program going forward.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees (ConC), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Environmental Improvement to change the name of the committee to the Committee on Environment and Sustainability.
  • ConC announced that the opening of the online preference form to all ACS members begins on April 3 and will run through July 3. Councilors interested in serving on an ACS Committee in 2024 should go to to complete their preferences.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Add Plan B to Council Meetings, which authorizes the postponement of voting at Council in case of technology failures or natural disasters.
  • N&E reminded Councilors that any petition candidates to ACS National Office must certified by the July 15 deadline to be placed on the ballot this fall.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Membership Affairs (MAC), Council approved the 2024 Schedule of Membership.
  • The Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC) announced the launch of the ACS Speaker Directory, a new resource for our component group leaders to access a wide range of speakers for their in-person, hybrid, and asynchronous events.

Council Special Discussion

President Giordan introduced and led a special discussion on the ongoing review of Society Committees. She sought Councilor input of positive ideas, key issues, and opportunities to improve the structure of committees.

Four specific prompts were posed to Councilors for their input and suggestions:

  1. Ideally, for ACS to have a committee structure that is forward thinking and able to address opportunities for members, ACS and the chemistry enterprise, we would…
  2. Current and future key issues impacting ACS, the chemistry enterprise and our committees include…
  3. I wonder what the positive impact on committees, member involvement, and ACS would be if we were to…
  4. I wish that committees at ACS could…

Councilors provided their ideas and thoughts, and relevant Society units will receive this input within the next several weeks.

If there are benefits that you would like to see added to your membership or if there are changes that you would like to see instituted, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 264th National Meeting, Fall 2022

The Fall 2022 Meeting of the ACS Council was held in hybrid format on August 24th,  2022.

Actions of the Council

Election Results: Elected Committees of Council

  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Raychelle Burks, Anne M. Gaffney, Will E. Lynch, and Frankie K. Wood-Black for a three-year term (2023-2025) on the Council Policy Committee (CPC). Lydia E.M. Hines was elected to serve through 2023.
  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected William F. Carroll, Jr., Ella L. Davis, Carmen Gauthier, Thomas H. Lane, and Jason E. Ritchie for a three-year term (2023-2025) on the Committee on Committees (ConC).
  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Michelle V. Buchanan, Alan B. Cooper, Kelly M. Elkins, Ellene Tratras Contis, and Kathryn E. Uhrich for a three-year term (2023-2025) on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E).

Other Council Actions

  • The Vice Chair of the Council Policy Committee (CPC) reported that both Council meetings in 2023 will be held in a hybrid manner, very similar to what Councilors experienced in Chicago. Councilors celebrating milestone anniversaries were acknowledged and thanked for their years of service on Council.
  • The Chair of the Committee on Committees (ConC) recognized those chairs rolling off various committees and thanked them for their service. Newly appointed chairs of committees that report to Council were announced to all Councilors and Councilors were reminded of the new online committee preference form that was open over the summer to solicit names of individuals interested in serving on ACS Society Committees.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the continuation of the Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC).
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Elections Function. This action helps to clarify, consolidate and re-order existing requirements related to nominations and elections.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Divisional Activities, providing greater authority to step in and assist Divisions who have inactive Executive Committees.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition for a change in Section Name from the Northeast Tennessee Section to the Tennessee-Virginia Highlands Local Section.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Membership Affairs (MAC), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Application and Dues Process for Corporation Associates, allowing Corporation Associates to set fees based on a sales revenue model.

Council Special Discussion

President Wilson introduced and led a special discussion on “ACS for the Future.” She sought Councilor input on positive initiatives, programs or events that would greatly benefit ACS members or ACS at large.

Three specific questions were posed to Councilors for their input and suggestions:

  • What can be accomplished to enhance the ACS experience?
  • Why (or how) do you think it would make a difference?
  • Who would be tasked with leading this effort (e.g. a section, committee, division, or other)?

Councilors provided their ideas and thoughts, and relevant Society units will receive this input within the next several weeks.

In addition to attending the Council meeting, your councilor continues to serve on the Membership Affairs Committee (MAC).  This committee is involved with recruiting and retaining ACS members by ensuring that ACS membership is a valuable resource in their professional lives. As such, MAC prepares the Schedule of Membership (SoM) that is presented to Council each spring.  The SoM proposes the amount of dues for the upcoming year and the benefits for each category of member.  Currently, MAC is proposing to maintain current pricing and considering changes to the retired/emeritus eligibility and extending the Standard package to Society Affiliates.

If there are benefits that you would like to see added to your membership or if there are changes that you would like to see instituted, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 263rd National Meeting, Spring 2022

The Spring 2022 Meeting of the ACS Council was held virtually on March 23rd, 2022.

Actions of the Council

Candidates for President-Elect, 2023

  • The Committee on Nominations and Elections presented to the Council the following nominees for selection as candidates for President-Elect, 2023: Frank Blum, Mary Carroll, Rigoberto Hernandez, and Ingrid Montes. By electronic ballot, the Council selected Marry Carroll and Rigoberto Hernandez as candidates for 2023 President-Elect. These two candidates, along with any candidates selected via petitions, will stand for election in the Fall National Election.

Other Council Actions

Committee on Committees Actions

  • The Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Chemists with Disabilities. This petition sought to change the language in the duties of CWD from students to persons to be more inclusive to ACS members of all levels and backgrounds participating in the Society’s meetings and events.
  • The Council approved the continuation of the Committee on Chemists with Disabilities.
  • The Committee on Committee reviews each Society Committee no less often than every five years and advises the Board of Directors and Council whether they should be continued. Council completed the performance review for the Committee on Chemists with Disabilities and recommended its continuation.

Committee on Budget & Finance Petition

▪ The Council approved the Petition to Amend the Use of Dues.

The petition has two major components. The first changes the basis for developing the total pool of allotments available for local sections and technical divisions. The second eliminates the connection between dues revenue and C&EN.

The total resource pool available for distribution to Local Sections and Divisions will be funded via a quasi-endowment established from the Society’s unrestricted investment balances. This replaces the previous pool that was funded through the allocation of 20% of dues revenue to local sections and divisions.

Committee on Divisional Activities Action

▪ The Council approved a division name change.

Effective January 1, 2023, the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry (CARB) will change its name to the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry & Chemical Glycobiology (CARB).

Committee on International Activities Petition

▪ The Council approved a Petition to Charter an International Chemical Sciences Chapter

This petition, contingent on approval by the ACS Board of Directors, allows for a new International Chemical Sciences Chapter in Switzerland.

Committee on Membership Affairs

▪  The Council approved the extension of market testing of the international dues discount program based on World Bank country income levels.

 The test provides reduced dues for international members residing in emerging nations, which host an ACS chapter, and as defined by World Bank income criteria. The test results to date have suggested a positive impact on membership through new members and the expanded inclusivity that a wider global community provides.

▪  The Council approved the 2023 Schedule of Membership

The 2022 Schedule went live a few short months ago, and the 2023 Schedule was designed to add more value and increased choice for membership by adding clarity and a more intuitive explanation of how our membership works.

The 2023 Schedule of Membership did not change any dues, benefits, eligibility, or privileges from the 2022 Schedule.

If you have any comments or questions regarding membership or benefits, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 262nd National Meeting, Fall 2021

The Fall 2021 Meeting was held live from August 22-26, and on-demand from August 30 – September 30. As of August 25th, there were 8,205 registrations (1,895 hybrid and 6,310 virtual). Of the approximately 1,200 oral sessions held, 71 were only in-person, 244 were hybrid, and 855 were held virtually. The Fall Council meeting was again held virtually on August 25.

Actions of the Council

Election Results: Elected Committees of Council

  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Donna G. Friedman, Matthew Grandbois, Fran K. Kravitz, and Louise M. Lawter for a three-year term (2022-2024) on the Council Policy Committee (CPC).
  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Mary K. Engelman, Malika Jeffries-El, Brian M. Mathes, Susan V. Olesik, and Susan M. Schelble for a three-year term (2022-2024) on the Committee on Committees (ConC).
  • By electronic ballot, the Council elected Allison Aldridge, Holly L. Davis, Peter K. Dorhout, Silvia Ronco, and Martin D. Rudd for a three-year term (2022-2024) on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E). The initial round produced a tie vote for fifth place and was resolved by a run-off in which Silvia Ronco was elected.

Other Council Actions

Committee on Committees Petition

  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Minority Affairs. The Petition was amended on the floor of Council to strike the word ‘minority’ in Standing Rule VIII, Sec. 1, b, (9). The Board added its approval in its meeting on August 28.
  • The Council (and then the Board) also approved the continuation of the Committee on Environmental Improvement.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council (and then the Board) approved the 10th version of the Professional Employment Guidelines.

Council Special Discussion

President Cheng introduced and led a special discussion on ideas to increase involvement and membership from business and industry. For the last 5 years there has been a steady decrease in industry members. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, but there have been ongoing efforts to decrease the cost-related attrition while increasing member value.

To address value, ACS has a variety of offerings available to members to advance, discover, connect, and share. To address cost, actions were taken by the Council this past spring in the schedule of membership for 2022 that will provide industry members with flexibility as to membership options. Councilor input was then requested on the following two questions:

  • How can we improve the value that ACS provides to its industrial and business members?
  • How can we encourage academic inventors and entrepreneurs and support start-ups?

Actions of the Board of Directors – Executive Session

  • On recommendation of the Society Committee on Publications, the Board voted to approve the reappointments of Editors-in-Chief for several ACS journals. Those appointments will be announced in C&EN once the individuals have been notified and appropriate arrangements for their continued service have been made.
  • On recommendation of the Committee on Professional and Member Relations, the Board approved a Society nominee for the 2022 National Science Board Public Service Award.
  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Budget and Finance, the Board approved the ACS 2022 Spring and Fall Meetings in-person/hybrid member registration fee at $399 and the virtual member registration fee at $199, both within a range of +/- 15%.
  • On the recommendation of the Governing Board for the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT), the Board approved amendments to the Board Regulations concerning the membership, appointment, and terms for the Governing Board for AACT.
  • The Board received an extensive briefing and approved several recommendations from its Committee on Executive Compensation. The compensation of the Society’s executive staff continues to be reviewed regularly by the Board.

Confirmation of Council Actions

As required in the Standing Rules, the Board voted and confirmed the Council’s actions taken on August 25, 2021 to approve the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Minority Affairs; approved the continuation of the Committee on Environmental Improvement; and approved the ACS Professional Employment Guidelines (10th Edition).

If you have any comments or questions regarding membership or benefits, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 261st National Meeting, Spring 2021

The Spring Council meeting was again held virtually due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.  The meeting was held on March 24, in advance of the National Meeting.

Actions of the Council

Election Results

Candidates for President-Elect, 2022

The Committee on Nominations and Elections presented to the Council the following nominees for selection as candidates for President-Elect, 2022: Gerard Baillely, Anne M. Gaffney, Judith C. Giordan, and John C. Warner. By electronic ballot, the Council selected Judith C. Giordan and John C. Warner as candidates for 2022 President-Elect. These two candidates, along with any candidates selected via petitions, will stand for election in the Fall National Election.

Other Council Actions

Committee on Committees Petition

The Council approved the Petition to Harmonize Committee Structures, Processes, and Terms, as amended.

  • This petition places all committees in one category called “Society Committees” – eliminating the several different types of committees.
  • The years of service and the number of committee members on each Society Committee would now be consistent and would match the present terms of the Elected Committees: three-year terms with a two-term maximum for committee members.
  • Certain (6) Society Committees will no longer have the “Councilor only” designation, allowing an individual to join and continue service on a committee regardless of their status as a Councilor.
  • The Committee on Committees amended the petition prior to bringing it to Council, in response to several committees’ concerns, to include the bolded phrase:

The terms for a member of a Society Committee shall be three calendar years. A member of a Society Committee shall be eligible to serve two successive three-year terms on the same committee, however, that service could be extended if the appointing officer(s) determines that there is a compelling need for ongoing expertise on the committee.

  • The Petition will become effective immediately upon approval by the Board of Directors, however, existing committee assignments will be start a transition to the term limits on January 1, 2022.

Committee on Local Section Activities Petition

The Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Local Section Activities.
• This petition provides the Committee on Local Section Activities with the authority to support Local Sections by taking action on their behalf, including appointing an interim executive committee and/or facilitating a Local Section’s election when there is a lapse in the local section’s leadership.

2022 Schedule of Membership

The Council approved the 2022 Schedule of Membership, upon recommendation of the Committee on Membership Affairs:

• The Schedule reduces the base dues rate to $160 per year
• It establishes various dues categories and benefits packages based upon career stages, role in the chemical enterprise, and desired level of interaction by the Member with the Society.

Updates to the ACS Strategic Plan

The ACS Board of Directors approved extensive changes to the ACS Strategic Plan last December.

  • Equity was added to our Core Values, which now include on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect.
  • Our Vision and Mission statements were modified to make clear that these statements include all people.
  • A fifth Strategic Goal: ‘To Embrace and to Advance Inclusion in Chemistry’, was added to make clear that Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect was our commitment at the same level as our long-standing four strategic goals.

If you have any comments or questions regarding membership or benefits, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 260th National Meeting Fall 2020

The Council meeting was held virtually due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic that continues to affect our personal lives and our work. Councilors were urged to take into account their own actions and habits to make their own communities safer. Councilors were advised to use their positions as members of the scientific enterprise to spread helpful messages and encourage the safe practice of mask wearing, physical distancing, and limiting exposure within your communities.

The continuous and ongoing struggle in this country to create a safe and equitable society for all was brought to Council’s attention. The ACS encourages inclusivity and opposes discrimination in scientific learning and practice. Councilors were urged to take active roles in dismantling any barriers that may deter or impede their colleagues in their research or careers. Councilors and guests were encouraged to review the ACS statements on diversity and reflect on how to implement these in their local sections and divisions.

Actions of the Council

Election to Committees

By electronic ballot, the Council elected Elizabeth M. Howson, Zaida C. Morales-Martinez, Margaret J. Schooler, and Jeanette M. Van Emon for three-year terms (2021-2023), and Mark D. Frishberg for a one-year term (2021) on the Council Policy Committee (CPC).

Additionally, the Council elected Martha G. Hollomon, Diane Krone, Sarah M. Mullins, Andrea B. Twiss-Brooks, and Javier Vela for three-year terms (2021-2023) on the Committee on Committees (ConC) and elected Jetty L. Duffy-Matzner, Kevin J. Edgar, Neil D. Jespersen, Julianne M. D. Smist, and Linette M. Watkins for three-year terms (2021-2023) on the Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E).

Other Council Actions

Key Actions

  • On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Clarify Amendments to the Standing Rules and disbanded the Joint Board-Council Committee on Chemical Abstracts Service, contingent on approval by the Board of Directors.

Establishment of an International Chemical Sciences Chapter

  • On the recommendation of the Committee on International Activities, and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the creation of an ACS International Chemical Sciences Chapter in Israel, contingent on approval by the Board of Directors.

Highlights from Committee Reports

Nominations and Elections

Ballots for the 2020 fall national election will be distributed starting on September 28th, with a voting deadline four weeks later on October 23rd. ACS members eligible to vote and with an email address on file will receive an electronic ballot with the option to request a paper ballot. Those members with no email address on file will be sent a paper ballot with the option to vote electronically. The ACS election vendor, Survey & Ballot Systems, will send three email reminders during the voting period to those who have not voted as of the reminder dates. N&E encouraged all ACS members to vote for President-Elect. Election information may be viewed at

Budget and Finance

The Society’s 2020 financial performance through July 31st yielded a Net from Operations of $55.7 million, or $25 million greater than the same period in 2019. Total revenues are $354 million, 5% ahead of last year, and total expenses are $298 million, or 3 percent below last year. Unrestricted Net Assets increased to $466 million.

The committee approved one program reauthorization request and one new pilot program request for consideration by the Board of Directors.

The most direct revenue impact to the Society related to the COVID pandemic has been to meeting- related revenues with the termination of the in-person Spring National Meeting and termination of the in-person Green Chemistry Conference. Significant effort has been devoted to expense management. The Society expects to meet its budgeted net contribution of $41.3M.

Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting Attendance

The theme of the 260th ACS National Meeting was “Moving Chemistry from Bench to Market.” As of August 19th, registration for the Meeting, broken down by Category was:

Member                                          3,494
Student Member                          1,638

Unemployed Member                       25

Non Member                                     945
Student Non Member                     375

Total                                               6,477

If you have any comments or questions regarding membership or benefits, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.

Councilor’s Report: 257th National Meeting Spring 2019

The 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society was held in Orlando, Florida  March 31 to April 4, 2019 and was attended by 15,605 registered individuals. The Council meeting was held on April 3.

Actions of the Council

Election Results

Candidates for President-Elect, 2020

  • The Committee on Nominations and Elections presented to the Council the following nominees for selection as candidates for President-Elect, 2020: Magid Abou-Gharbia, H.N. Cheng, Carol A. Duane, and Christopher J. Welch..  By electronic ballot, the Council selected H.N. Cheng and Carol A. Duane as candidates for 2020 President-Elect.  These two candidates, along with any candidates selected via petitions, will stand for election in the Fall National Election.

Other Council Actions

Amendments to the ACS Constitution and Bylaws

  • The Council approved the Petition to Streamline the ACS Governing Documents [Constitution Articles I-XIX, Bylaws I-XIV, and Standing Rules I-IX], which will reorganize the fundamental governing documents of the Society: the Constitution and Bylaws, and create a third document: Standing Rules. These three documents will function as a hierarchy. The Constitution should define; the Bylaws should authorize; and the Standing Rules should operationalize. Additionally, an Amendment was voted upon, and passed by recorded vote:
    • That language proposed as Standing Rule II, Sections 2 a, 2 b, and 2 g be moved to the Bylaws as new Sections 2 a, 2 b, and 2 c of proposed Bylaw III with appropriate renumbering of the other sections of Bylaw III and Standing Rule II.
  • The Petition will become effective if and when the proposed changes to the Constitution are approved by the Membership of the Society, and if and when the Board of Directors approves the Petition. Because the changes to the ACS Governing Documents are substantial, the Council authorized the ACS Secretary and General Counsel and the Committee on Constitution & Bylaws to correct minor technical mistakes in the Petition.

2020 Member Dues

  • The Council voted on the recommendation of the Committee on Budget and Finance (B&F) to set the member dues for 2020 at the 2019 rate of $175.

Council Special Discussion

  • ACS President Bonnie Charpentier led a special discussion on ACS Relevance to Current and Future Members: Challenges and Opportunities. Councilors had been asked prior to Orlando to discuss the ACS value proposition with their local sections or divisions and bring that input to Council. Councilors provided many recommendations and suggestions including increased support for local sections and industry members, helping student members transition into their professional careers, and implementing a monthly payment tool for ACS dues.  These, and all the other ideas and input submitted, will be shared with the Committee on Membership Affairs and the ACS Membership Division for further research or implementation. 

Highlights from Committee Reports

Councilor Divisor

As required by the Society’s Bylaws, the Council Policy Committee has set the divisors for allocation of Councilor seats among Local Sections and Divisions for 2020 to 2023.  Official notification of the Councilor divisors and the number of Councilors permitted for each Local Section and Division will be sent to the respective Local Sections and Divisions prior to May 1st as required in the Bylaws.

Budget and Finance

In 2018, ACS generated a net from operations of $41.1 million, which was $13.3 million higher than 2017.  Total revenues were $571.6 million, increasing 6.4% – or $34.2 million – over 2017.  Expenses ended the year at $530.5 million, which was $20.8 million or 4.1% higher than the prior year.  These results were attributable to strong performance from the Society’s Information Service units (CAS and ACS Publications) and a continued emphasis on expense management across the ACS. 

Additional information can be found at  At the bottom of the page, click ‘About ACS’, then ‘ACS Financial Information.’  There you will find several years of the Society’s audited financial statements and IRS 990 filings.


The ACS ended 2018 with 151,012 members, a net membership growth of one-tenth-of-one-percent. This is the first membership growth ACS has recorded in the better part of a decade. Of the 25,000 new members who joined in 2018, about 20% were incentivized by market testing initiatives. Without these new members, ACS would have seen continued declines.

Council voted to extend the provision of the international dues discount test based on World Bank country income levels for an additional three years (August 2019 – August 2022).

As a side note, your Councilor is  a member of the Membership Affairs Committee and is assigned to the Benefits and Engagement Subcommittee.  The discussion is continuing on whether a “one size fits all” approach best serves the membership.  A major question continues to be, do members feel that the membership benefits justify the dues?  Are you aware of the benefits available to you?  Please see


  • The Council passed several resolutions:
    • in memory of deceased Councilors;
    • in gratitude for the officers and members of the Orlando Section, host for the 257th National Meeting, the divisional program chairs, symposium organizers, and ACS staff for the planning and execution of the meeting.

If you have any comments or questions regarding membership or benefits, please contact your Councilor, Darlene Slattery at or call her at 321-632-2535.