The Spring Meeting of the ACS Council was held in hybrid format on March 22, 2024. As of March 19, there were 14,368 registrations (13,122 in-person and 1,246 online). The ACS Fall 2024 meeting will be held in Denver, CO from August 18 – 22, 2024.
Actions of the Council
Election Results: Elected Committees of Council
- The Committee on Nominations and Elections (N&E) presented to the Council the following nominees for selection as candidates for President-Elect, 2025: Rigoberto Hernandez, Thomas Holme, Ingrid Montes, and Laura Sremaniak. By electronic ballot, the Council selected Rigoberto Hernandez and Laura Sremaniak as candidates for 2025 President-Elect. These two candidates will join Mukund Chorghade, a petition candidate, and any additional candidates selected via petitions to stand for election in the fall 2024 national election.
Highlights from Committee Reports and Key Actions
- On the recommendation of the Council Policy Committee (CPC), Council approved the Petition to Remove Inconsistencies and Add Missing Provisions. The petition clarifies language about membership on the elected committees of Council and adds a provision for filling a vacancy in the position of Director-at-Large. This petition is now presented to the ACS Board of Directors for action.
- On the recommendation of the Committee on Committees (ConC), and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Budget and Finance (B&F) to better reflect their charge of making recommendations on the Society’s budget for approval by the Board of Directors. The petition also removes an outdated provision to reflect that the funding of the official organ of the Society has been made independent from dues revenue. This petition is now presented to the ACS Board of Directors for action.
- ConC announced that the opening of the online preference form to all ACS members began on March 1 and will run through July 1, Councilors interested in serving on an ACS Committee in 2025 should go to to complete their preferences.
- On the recommendation of the Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC), Council approved changing the name of the Division of Biological Chemistry (BIOL) to the Division of Biochemistry and Chemical Biology (BIOL). This name change takes effect January 1, 2025.
Summary of Governance Issues and Actions
- On the recommendation of DAC, Council approved an amendment to the distribution formula for Division funding. This will allow a greater amount of funding to be distributed to Divisions.
- On the recommendation of the Committee on International Activities (IAC), Council approved the creation of International Chemical Sciences Chapters in Egypt and Guangdong, China, subject to the concurrence of the ACS Board of Directors.
- On the recommendation of the Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC), Council approved changing the name of the Auburn Section to the East Alabama/West Georgia Section. This name change takes effect on January 1, 2025.
- On the recommendation of the Committee on Membership Affairs (MAC) and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the Petition on Dues and Benefits to change the name of the Schedule of Membership to the Schedule of Dues and Benefits. The petition also defines the role of Community Associates. This petition is now presented to the ACS Board of Directors for action.
- On the recommendation of MAC and with the concurrence of the Council Policy Committee, Council approved the 2025 Schedule of Dues and Benefits.
- The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) reported the certification of bylaws for four Local Sections (Columbus, Permian Basin, University of Arkansas, and Central Pennsylvania), five technical Divisions (Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry), and two International Chemical Sciences Chapters (Singapore and Switzerland) since the fall 2023 meeting.
- The Committee on Education (SOCED) invited students to participate in a SOCED Discussion Session to be held in conjunction with the ACS Fall 2024 meeting in Denver, and invited Councilors to their upcoming virtual open meeting on April 25.
- The Committee on Younger Chemists (YCC) plans to expand the concept of Local Section Younger Chemists Committees to include International Chemical Sciences Chapters and reported on the inaugural Younger Chemists’ Caucus and their plans to continue holding this event.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact one of your councilors, Darlene Slattery at or Laura Sessions at Laura Sessions at