Hello Orlando Section!
On behalf of the Executive Committee, I wish that we all stay healthy and productive during this challenging time. In this first communication of 2021, I want to bring your attention to the following:
We are seeking volunteers: As we navigate through this pandemic to bring benefit to our membership and to grow our leadership in the upcoming year, we are actively seeking volunteers to participate/lead our local section’s activities and be appointed to several committees: Earthday’s outreach, National Chemistry Week, Senior Chemists, Younger Chemists, Webmaster… Contact us if you are or know someone who is interested.
Monthly Executive Meeting is open to members: The meetings occur on every third Saturday of the month, via Zoom. If you are interested in joining, please do not hesitate to contact us for zoom link, meeting time, and meeting agenda.
Our community and facebook pages are where we bring news & information that benefit our members. Some recent posts include: Graduate Student Fellowships in Analytical Chemistry ($25,000 for the nine-month fellowships and $7,000 for the three-month summer fellowships, application Deadline 28/02/2021); Elemental Art: A Contest! from ACS Division of the History of Chemistry.
Subscribe to our community page and follow our facebook page for updated news, activities of our local section.
Duy Le – 2021 Chair