We are seeking interested individuals to join the Orlando Section Executive Committee in 2023! We have four positions up for election: Chair, Chair Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Councilor. A description of each position is included below. Please contact Dr. Laura Sessions (lsessions@valenciacollege.edu), Nominating Committee Chair, with any additional questions.
All nominations (including name of nominee, contact information, and nominated position) must be notified to Dr. Laura Sessions (via email at lsessions@valenciacollege.edu) by October 14th, 2022. Voting is expected to open on October 24th, when you will receive a separate email with the instructions on how to cast your votes electronically and will close on November 8th . Please let us know (via email at contact@orlandoacs.org) before October 14th 2022 if you would like to be mailed a paper copy ballot.
Chair (one-year term). The main responsibilities are:
- Two year commitment (one year as chair, one year as immediate Past-Chair)
- Serve as Chair of the Executive Committee
- Appoint members and/or affiliates to all committees
- Oversee the activity of the section
- To vote/participate in exec decisions
Chair Elect (one year term). The main responsibilities are:
- Three year commitment (one year as chair-elect, one year as chair, one year as immediate Past-Chair)
- To vote/participate in exec decisions
- Succeed to office of Chair for the next year
- Serve as chair for meetings which the Chair cannot attend
Treasurer (one-year term). The main responsibilities are:
- Prepare the annual budget/expenditures report for Nationals
- Maintain the Section bank account
- Maintain a budget, disbursements, expenditures, and accounting for the Section activities
- To vote/participate in exec decisions
Secretary (one-year term). The main responsibilities are:
- To take notes at exec meetings
- To set-up and distribute ballots for elections (mostly electronic now)
- Oversee website and social media communications
- To vote/participate in exec decisions
Councilor (three-year term). The main responsibilities are:
- To attend national meeting annually, represent the Section, and report back activities
- Assist in preparing and submitting the annual report to the national office
- To vote/participate in exec decisions